Letters to the Editor

“Ben.. Can not help but wonder if the Galactic Federation of Worlds and Jupiter Agreements or Artamis Agreements have something to do with this transaction. He works for the Earth Alliance and the GF of W’S now to benefit humanity as we ascend and rebuild a far better world.. It would make sense in certain ways.. Suppose we will find out soon enough..

And in case you did not hear yet Charlie Ward announced the beginning of the good financial reset I think it was Saturday last..Then during a rousing speech at the Ohio Rally, Trump or his double announced that there will be a huge announcement about his stollen election I think its sometime this week. His speech was all about how they have located and found millions and millions of fake ballots for Biden and he is saving the outcome of this for this upcoming announcement. It sort of looks like Biden is on the way out and Trump is returning shortly Have to wait and see ..but obviously something is in the works if a huge announcement is to be announced about this..” -Anon


These guys have been saying “your check is in the mail” for decades. I will believe it when I see it. In the meantime, we keep fighting to overthrow the whole damn bunch of them until they are permanently removed from control of the financial system. That is the key. – Benjamin Fulford


“Agreed the destruction of the present fake financial system is the key and it is slowly happening..Drip by drip….Today Israel replaced the Fiat USD with the Yuan as the new Reserve Currency there…Israel?? Americas biggest Parter in Crime??”


That’s interesting. I noted the Mossad propaganda site Debka has been down for a while. Something is happening. – Benjamin Fulford

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