Letters to the Editor

“I have a question about a contradiction you recently made on benjaminfulford.net. Around two weeks ago you said that President Putin was going to invade Ukraine because he was going to try to liberate Europe. But then around a week or two later you said that President Putin was an avatar and that he has been replaced already which is comparable to Biden and many around the world. And now you say that the cabal is trying to start World War III with an invasion of Ukraine. So which is it? Which side is he on? Is he really an avatar who has already been replaced and run by the cabal or is he trying to liberate Europe by invading Ukraine”

Thank you



My understanding is that Vladimir Putin is an avatar who represents the Russian people and the Russian Orthodox church. The most powerful real person in Russia is probably foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.
Russia should go into the Ukraine to remove the criminals there whose money laundering operations keep the fake Joe Biden regime afloat. Russia should also go into France and remove the Rothschild puppet Macron too, I believe.
My understanding is that MI6 and Pentagon brass would not interfere in such a move because it is necessary for planetary liberation.
-Benjamin Fulford

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