Hello, Ben:

Having read all of Peter Duesberg’s book called Invention of the AIDS Virus, based on his reputation as a Nobel Prize-winning microbiologist and participant on the first teams to investigate the cause of AIDS, I have little doubt that there is no such thing as HIV. There may be something that has been given to the Africans, but not HIV.

In his book, Duesberg deals thoroughly with the fraud of African AIDS, wherein eager young epidemiologists had been trained to reconstruct reality with engineered data-recording forms which allowed them to assign virtually all diseases previously known to be the diseases of poverty and to systematically and fraudulently allocate these same diseases to be counted statistically as “AIDS-related xyz.”  As the South African president at that time said, “If we are so devastated by AIDS, why aren’t my coffin-makers busier?”

Indeed, it appears that “African AIDS” was simply another lie. Yes, people there are dying—of the same old things, only renamed. I strongly recommend Professor Duesberg’s book;  it’s 700 pages of brilliant reasoning.


A close friend of mine died of AIDS/HIV and she got it from an injection given to her at a clinic in Africa.  Also, I was once contacted by a doctor who thought he was giving 2,000 homosexual men a vaccine to prevent Hepatitis and they all died of AIDS.  It is real, and no attempt to whitewash this will work.


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