
France, Germany and Holland are planning new currency to follow the demise of the Euro

The collapse of the Euro is now inevitable and as a result the French Rothschilds, who control France, Holland and Belgium (via the Freemason Grand Lodge de L’orient) and the German Freemasons are planning a new currency. Meanwhile the owners of the Federal Reserve Board have been caught trying to cash bogus financial instruments on…


The Feds buy time (but not much) by calling in their last reserves

The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate called in their last reserves last week in a desperate Battle of the Bulge maneuver to stave off their inevitable collapse. Their servants in the Bank of Japan and their partners in the European Central Bank and the BIS all promised to squeeze another $1 trillion out of their…


One million North American Satanists seeking refuge from expected pogrom

Over one million North American Satanists are seeking refuge outside of North America sources with direct access to a former US president, a source close to David Rockefeller and a member of the Japanese cabinet say. The reason they are seeking a refuge is that they fear the reaction of the American people when they…


The new financial system now supposed to start on May 11th but believe it when you see it

A new dollar to replace the US dollar is going to be introduced on May 11th, according to a senior CIA source. Other sources, including linked to the Chinese politburo, the Japanese secret government and the British Royal family have all said something big and good is imminent. However, we have seen so many deadlines…


Illuminati headed for civil war or revolution, Kissinger rebuffed in Japan, Obama rebuffed in Iran

There are numerous signs of severe discord within the European and North American secret governments these days. What we seem to be witnessing is the very dangerous death throes of the Nazi faction of the Western secret government. They have launched a desperate counter-attack over the past week in order to prevent the implementation of…