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Last weekend’s G20 meeting of so-called world leaders was very revealing because 19 out of 20 of them publicly endorsed the fraud-based global warming scam known as the Paris Accords. This happened despite the fact carbon-based global warming is being proved both legally and scientifically to be a fraud. Michael Mann, the author of the…
The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the “Biden presidency” is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree. The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source. However,…
It looks like the Khazarian Mafia is finally launching their project Bluebeam fake alien invasion with all these public “UFO shoot downs.” This is just part of an ongoing space opera in the KM-controlled media. You can see 10 videos that are part of this show at the link below. It would be funny…
This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of…
Mr. Fulford, I’ve been finding your news letters lately interesting as they always are. It’s amazing to me the fact almost everything you’ve ever mentioned in the last 5+ years since I started following you has come out to be true no matter how crazy some of it sounded at the time. I know you…
The great purge of Khazarian mobsters continues as hundreds of arrests of Saudi princes, generals, and politicians is now being followed up with the 842 sealed indictments against senior Khazarian gangsters in the U.S., confirmed by Pentagon, CIA, and other sources. Pentagon sources sent the photos below showing Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator John…