Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Events are approaching an end-game compromise with communist China. The Chinese are now allied with the global warming fraud faction in an attempt to establish a world dictatorship. The Black Dragon Society will not allow this to happen.
As reported by multiple news sources as well as our own direct sources, many of the chief Nazi operators in Washington D.C., including Alan Greenspan and Henry Heinz Kissinger have been placed under house arrest. Following this the Federal Reserve Board was audited and dollars created via “derivatives” fraud are being eliminated from the system. If these dollars were not removed from the system and the dollar was forced to be backed by hard assets, then the dollar would be worth less than 0.06 cents.
The Chinese, in the meantime, have systematically used their fiat dollars to corner the global physical commodity markets. This means that if the US devalued unilaterally, the Chinese dollar holdings might become worthless paper but the renminbi would become the de facto world currency.
The problem with that scenario is that 90% of the dollars ever created through honest hard work are not owned by Americans. If these dollars were devalued, many people around the world would suffer great harm.
This is why the Black Dragon Society is proposing to take the U.S. dollars created through hard work, back them with gold as an interim measure and then rename them Hong Kong dollars or renminbi or Hong Kong yen or whatever. The new currency would then be backed by the renminbi.
This plan has prompted an attempt by the communist Chinese to buy gold. However, so long as the Chinese support the fraudulent global warming CO2 world dictatorship plan, they will not be allowed to buy gold. They have been trying to go behind our back but they will be wasting their time.
Meanwhile some fundamental changes have taken place in the Japanese secret government. The Federal Reserve Board/Ming Chinese faction have been ousted and the Japanese right-wing will no longer be acting as enforcers for foreign governments be they American or Chinese. Instead the Japanese now intend to act as neutral intermediaries between all concerned parties. A new right-wing party will also be formed to replace the Liberal Democratic Party and to make sure the Democratic Party of Japan does not become a dictatorship ruled in secret by Ichiro Ozawa.
The Japanese, the Middle-Eastern oil nations, the United States armed forces, the Vatican and the British Commonwealth will oppose such a plan. These groups support a plan to end poverty, end environmental destruction (i.e. stop the destruction of eco-systems) and start a new golden age by rolling out hitherto suppressed technology. This includes intensive efforts to turn the deserts green and replenish the oceans. They do not support a plan premised on lies (CO2=global warming) and designed to enrich a small elite.
Any new system of world governance must not be allowed to become like the secret system of Babylonian tyranny that has existed to this date. To understand how this system works, one must compare a Western communal dining table to an Asian one. In a Western system a long rectangular table is used. At the head of the table sits the dominant patriarch. To his right sits the number two and so-on. The lower one is in the hierarchy, the further one is from the head of the table.
In the Asian system, as well as the system used by the Knights of the Round Table, a round table is used. This means decision making by consensus rather than by patriarchal decree.