Ukraine peace deal reached between NATO and Russia

An agreement to end the Ukrainian war was reached in principle last week following high-level negotiations between British MI6 Intelligence and the Russian FSB. The details will be negotiated over the coming months sources in both agencies confirm. The basic outline of the agreement is as follows: Russia will get the entire Ukrainian Black Sea…

World War II ends as Nazi faction finally defeated

The big NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last week marked the real end of World War II and the final defeat of the Nazis, according to British MI6, Russian FSB and Mossad sources. This means the Khazarian Mafia, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, have been defeated in their plan to kill 90% of humanity. However,…

Octagon leaders told to buzz off after failed beg-threat mission to China

The leaders of the Khazarian mafia -the notorious Swiss-based Octagon group- tried to both threaten and beg China for money last week and were told to buzz off, Asian secret society sources say. The scene was in Tianjin, China where Octagon leaders like Klaus Schwab Rothschild, Swiss President Alain Berset and their flunkies gathered for…

Operation Gladio style offensive against KM unfolds

READ THIS FIRST After careful deliberation, I’ve chosen to disable the copy-protection plugin on our site, which will reinstate the copy and paste function. It seems I overlooked the large number of users who prefer to print or archive posts for future reference. The copy-protection measure wasn’t intended to prevent our paying members from accessing…