Global ruling class


“A negotiator for the ruling Western elite, for his part, said, ‘The global ruling class have no objection to the People if they show themselves capable of understanding and taking on the challenges of running a planet.’ “

As we are in the midst of a removal of “the Western ruling elite,” it remains to be seen who negotiates with whom and just how they are to enforce any world governance without the U.S. military overseeing its structure and the quality of those who decide what constitutes “merit,” and if that all-powerful body is capable of even-handed treatment of all of mankind.

The above quote of the negotiator is a perfect example of the incredible hubris of a “class” that has certainly not “run the planet,” but has raped it and murdered millions for their own gain.

Only the spiritual strength of the People has kept this planet functioning, if you can call it that.  The transition from the brutality of the elite to a planet governed with equanimity and wisdom will take time, and only the military’s devotion to country and constitution can provide the security that will allow the People to create the world they want, not the world the elites say they will allow them to have.

Only America has that military and that Constitution and the will to forge a governing system no longer open to corruption.  Once done, the rest of the world can follow our example.

The “elites” can talk among themselves all they want.  The People are awakening to the responsibility they should never have surrendered, and once the cabal rulers have been eliminated, your sources will be from the People, and not the “very high level” you admire so much.

In the meantime, we need men and women who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution to manage things so we are not conned again by arrogant, spoiled elites.

Make no mistake, Ben, the swamp that is being drained is global, and our freedom depends on those determined to break the back of the criminal class you like to quote.


Hi D,

The first thing you need to understand is that I report the world as it is, not as I wish it to be.  My job is to talk to people who are actually in power, not who I wish were in power.

The U.S. military is a meritocracy and will remain a key player in world affairs even after the U.S. corporate government and the oligarchs who own it are removed from power.


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