Justice for Brian Aberle

On behalf of Brian, thank you for reading about how the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office has been treating him:

https://guiltyuntilprovenwealthy.home.blog, some of which is copied below.  To follow links, please view that blog page.

Guilty Until Proven Wealthy

My name is Brian Aberle.  I am a chemist and plant medicine researcher.  I have professional experience in oncology with Siemens Medical and management-level experience in health care systems at Kaiser Permanente.  I research natural plant medicines that are alternatives to pharmaceutical anti-depressants.  I publish a website about my work:


I also research plant medicine to cure neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, which are generally treated with a class of medicine called Acetyl-Cholinesterase-Inhibitors (or AChI’s).  I published a Ph.D. level thesis outline titled “Neurodegenerative disease cure 2018” at ResearchGate.net where I publicly answer chemistry questions about my work.  I have posted answers about how to properly neutralize caustic mixtures for environmentally safe disposal, as well as more advanced questions about how to isolate individual alkaloids such as harmaline found in Syrian Rue.

Shortly after I relocated to Ashe County [North Carolina], deputies of the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office illegally searched my home and found marijuana.  Most of what they illegally seized had been decarboxylated, which makes it orally active and has been found to be the most effective form for cancer treatment or use as an AChI medicine.  Although it was discovered illegally, and their illegal case against me weak, I was placed on probation for possessing it.

I was assigned to a probation officer named Timothy Moretz.  When I introduced myself to Officer Moretz, I explained to him my work in chemistry and how I research the effects of plant medicines on neurotransmitter levels in the brain—how anti-depressants such as SSRI’s, SNRI’s, and MAOI’s work by raising serotonin and DMT levels, which exist naturally, or endogenously, in the human brain.  And that some plants such as Yopo contain both serotonin and DMT.  Timothy’s response to me was that “the world is overpopulated” and that “advancements in healthcare and medicine are to blame.”

After being on probation for about a month, my home was once again illegally raided and illegally searched.  On June 21, 2018, Timothy Moretz overstepped the law and, with nine other officers, came into my home unannounced and for two hours illegally searched my house.  One of the officers produced a small amount of mushrooms from within my freezer.  Officer Moretz presumed them to be hallucinogenic, whereupon he arrested me and had me charged with a felony.  For these fraudulent charges, the Ashe County District Court set my bond at $50,000.

I was then thrown into an isolation cell at the Ashe County Detention Center, and for 41 days I was deprived of phone access as well as the communication kiosk during my weekly trip to the shower.

Once Timothy Moretz had me falsely imprisoned, he returned to my home that very evening to trespass onto my property and continue his unlawful ransack of my papers, plants, my laboratory—my entire home.

Within a few days, state labs confirmed that the previously and illegally seized mushrooms were NOT hallucinogenic, but long before I would get out of involuntary solitary confinement—let alone released from these baseless charges—Timothy Moretz got a search warrant, absurdly based based on a statement I made to him about plants and urine containing DMT.  He returned ten days later with his absurd search warrant, and as Michael Sheron from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation described it, a “fiasco” ensued.

Upon the execution of Timothy Moretz’s search warrant on June 26, no shortage of emergency services were summoned:  What Timothy presumed to be an explosive device turned out to be just an oil lamp and an incense burner—as confirmed by the bomb squad, who were there after being dispatched to respond to Moretz’s emergency situation.  Both fire departments from the city of Todd and Fleetwood were there, as well as the Ashe County Rescue Squad:  Timothy also presumed that my chemistry equipment was a meth lab, but when the NC Health Department got there to dismantle his meth lab, they could find none.  Andrew Blethen of the Department of Health stated that “under current decontamination laws, the local health department can only enforce cleanup of meth labs.”  And so the state did not (any further) dismantle my lab—thank God.  NCBIS was also on scene.

I had in my inventory many different legally-obtained plants, seeds, tree resins, chemicals, and equipment used for the making of medicine crucial to my research.  In total, 138 items were confiscated and destroyed.  For all of the Sheriff’s Office’s destruction, they claim to have found LESS than 1/10th of a gram of DMT with serotonin in it.

After Timothy’s fiasco on the 26th, and while I was still in isolation, he then had me falsely charged with three Class A felonies, this time for allegedly manufacturing and selling DMT—charges even more ridiculous than the first.  However, because Timothy had upped the ante with felony charges, my bond was then raised from the initial $50,000 to $300,000.

On August 23, 2018, WSOCTV.com reported on the evening news that the Ashe county Sheriff’s Office has been charged with “False Arrests” and “Malicious Prosecution,” amid other charges of misconduct, including forcing deputies to lie in statements.  I can personally testify that these allegations are only the beginning of the corruption within the Sheriff’s Office.

Please share this injustice with other medicine research groups or Internet groups concerned with human advancement, or truth and liberty.  The criminality going on in the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office must be exposed.

Thank you for reading, and God bless.  Call the District Attorney and ask about my case.

Again, the blog page with full links is at:

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