Why do you post this?
There’s a market for hidden info because some people recognize there’s more going on in this world than conventional/collective thinking. You appear to have access to what’s hidden, so people are drawn to you, or Cobra, or David Icke, or etc.
My question is, do you feel that you are doing any good? As I look over all your posts over the years, is any of it beneficial? Or is this an activity for you each day with little more purpose than a daily crossword puzzle in the paper?
I’m not saying I know, or that I’m better than you. But I don’t see that you’re doing anything helpful whatsoever. Am I wrong? Maybe.
Every article you write is essentially, “These are the bad guys; this is what they’re doing; and a huge change is on the horizon.” Over and over.
B, it is a frustrating process, but when I started this, nobody knew central banks were privately owned, and there was only one sentence about the Rothschilds on the entire Internet. Now almost everybody knows about the formerly secret financial controllers. We are slowly but surely reaching a critical mass. Also, much of the world is already free from the controllers. The battle for the West, though, is not over yet.
I will keep fighting until victory. It is better than doing nothing and feeling helpless. We will win; I guarantee it.