Letter about vaccination injuries

Dear Ben,

Last three years, I have been your follower via some other websites.  (Unfortunately for some reasons, I have not been able to become a paid subscriber.)  I appreciate the work you have been doing for humanity.

I have some questions for you.

Even my country, Finland—as my opinion, based on our family’s personal experience—seems to be a well-corrupted country, at least when it comes to politics, real news, the judicial system, natural health, and medical information.  Is there going to be a some kind of purge/cleanup in all EU countries?  In Finland too, and in all these areas?  Any idea when?

Does WDS have something to say about the fact that the medical industry, organizations like CDC, FDA, and WHO, who say vaccinate everybody, and Bill Gates and lawmakers around the world are pushing their dirty and illness-bringing vaccines to all the people, especially to kids?  Does WDS have any plans for that?  I attached a file as a good example of how dirty vaccines really are.

And what do you think about this FDA action?  As far as I know, homeopathy has helped many people around the world.

Yours sincerely,
—KL, mother of a vaccine-injured child

The dark side of the medical industry will definitely face long-awaited justice when this is all over.  This battle we face is like fighting an octopus.  You can wrestle with one arm, like the “pharmacidical” industry, or you can target the head, which is the owners of the private central banks.  We are targeting the head so that all the arms can be stopped at once.

I am sorry to hear about the damage to your child.  The family of senior members of the current U.S. government has been affected by vaccines and I understand that action is being taken.


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