Letters to the Editor

“Hello Benjamin

I hope this finds you well.
There is so much confusion with the world nowadays. We got two types of alternative media-one that parrots a positive version of  what is going to happen to this world, such as your site and many Bitchute channels, such as Shari Raye, McAllisterTv and Charlie ward.
We also have negative sites, such as Infowars, and several Bitchute channels such as SGT Report, Jim Crenshaw and Tangetopolous.
What I see is that intuitively, that both types of alternative media sow seeds of confusion and there is really nothing much that I can trust in anymore.
One parrots that the globalists are nearing their end goal of collapsing the economy and forever enslaving us and the other positive alt channels are claiming that we are nearing victory and the globalist endgame is being thwarted as we speak.
However, when I look at all nonsense that it still going on, such as the vaccine push, digital ID, anti protest bills such as C-100, in Ontario that was just passed, chem trails in the sky, miserable un spring like weather in much of North America, it seems like the globalists are truly winning.
I still see morons where I live in Brampton Ontario and much of the Greater Toronto Area, the vast majority of people are still wearing the masks, despite provincial lifting of the mandates. I see no hope for humanity and I think the sleepwalkers of society, which is approximately 85% of them should really perish from this earth for the simple fact that there is no use educating these idiotic morons. They deserve not to live because of their inferior mental capacity.
I know this sounds like Globalist talk but quietly frankly speaking, I can see why they want to get rid of a lot of us because they have no respect for our stupidity and gullibility. We are so easy to be tricked and fooled and so easy to be programmed. If we were a species that could think critically, we would have never been in this mess in the first place. The fact that we have fallen for their tricks, by them establishing  several establishments, such as Religion, Entertainment, Media,  Finances, School and Medicine, tells you how dumb we are as human beings. There is only 15% of the world that is awake and 15% of the world’s population will probably not be enough to destroy their plan for world dominance.
I really feel that both sides of the alternative are really controlled opposition.  There is so much confusion as to what to believe anymore.
There is one site that actually I kind of like but I also question him and that is www.redefininggod.com.
Many things that all types of media are telling is based on speculation only and I am beginning to think that you are also part of the cabal, to keep the confusion going.
I mean look at the grave situation amongst the G7 countries, such as Canada, America, England, France, Germany, Italy and Australia. We are worse than China in terms of freedom now. Only a civil war will finally end this nonsense and if 15% of the world takes matters into their own hands, that will be 1.32 billion people, then only will there be peace on earth. Until that happens, the chaos will continue in perpetuity.
My question to you Benjamin is, and I have been following you for over  10 years, you have been saying that the good guys are winning for just as long but nothing major or shocking has yet to happen. The EBS, Debt Jubilee, The shutting down of the internet, etc., etc., has not yet happened and everytime the dates or time keeps on moving. If the so-called “WHitehats” are in control then why are they prolonging this bull for so long? People are losing their lives, livelihoods, and if this is supposed to be a silent war with as minimal casualties as possible, it sure does not look like it when several million people are dying each month with all kinds of destruction. I am tired of the hopium and I want to see this shit finally come to an end, not today but like yesterday.
If this doesn’t end anytime soon and I mean less than 6 months, all types of media, alternative or otherwise cannot be trusted ever again. All the media is doing now is spreading misinformation, hopium and bs. If alternative media hopes to gain credibility, their words better be backed up by action, otherwise alternative media is not much different than mainstream media.
I hope you understand because the truther community is getting tired of being misled!” – Anon
You are right to be skeptical of hopium in the alternative media. However, you need to realize that things are going badly mostly in the G7 countries because they are the last stand of the cabal. The rest of the world is actually already mostly free of these people.
In the G7 it is a civil war and there are clearly powerful forces in the military and intelligence community who are trying to overthrow the Khazarian mafia. The National Security Agency, for example, could shut down all alternative media but instead work to make sure they are allowed to flourish.
The problem is the corporations, central banks, compromised politicians and the families that own them. They are under attack from the rest of the world and facing defeat. From outside of the West it looks like a hostage situation that could lead to a murder suicide event. The KM would rather take their slaves with them than allow them to be free. That is why Covid, vaccine mandates etc. is taking place in the West. However, a growing percentage of the population is now waking up.
In China too the KM seem to control the communist party and they are also fighting against their own people in a desperate attempt to survive.
To conclude, there is a war going on and we all need to keep fighting until humanity is liberated. I am opitimistic the people will win because my sources in the military and agencies around the world are mostly with the people.  Just do not give into despair or negativity because that is what the KM wants. 
-Benjamin Fulford

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