
The current global crisis is at its heart an ongoing gang war

In the last of our three part background series, we will explain why the Yakuza and other Asian gangs see the current global crisis as nothing more than a major gang war aimed at replacing an ancient Godfather and his clique. My first dealings with Japanese gangsters at a high level began during the Japanese…


The truth about the Yakuza and Asian gangs part 1

For the next three weeks I will be disconnected from the internet and all digital means of communications so instead of summarizing the week’s news, I will be presenting deep background knowledge on the Yakuza and Asian gangs. The first thing one needs to know about the Yakuza and the triads is that they are…


The Emperor, the Rockefellers and the Japanese secret establishment

During my 25-years of reporting in Japan, the Japanese struck me as being a very superstitious people because they always insisted the Western world was ruled by David Rockefeller. At the same time veteran Western journalists told me the only serious taboo they ever encountered in their work was the emperor. Japanese journalists for their…


US Military chickens out so the American people celebrate their continued slavery on July 4th

The most corrupt regime in the history of the United States has managed to avert a planned return to constitutional law thanks to a massive campaign of bribery, blackmail and death threats. However, sources high in the CIA and the NSA both affirm that a secret decision has been made not to allow Obama to…


The post-Obama power struggle heats up, will he be replaced by Hillary Clinton, General Petraeus or Ron Paul?

As the Washington D.C. Corporation heads for bankruptcy, a power vacuum is emerging in the US, tempting various groups into trying to fill the void. The Bush/Clinton faction is now pushing hard to make Hillary Clinton the new president. Another group seeks to create an imperial Roman Caesar in the form of General David Petraeus….