Question regarding your information versus Trump’s information

Hi Ben,

I have enjoyed reading your articles every week.  Thank you for your work.

Your information seems to indicate the U.S. and global economy are about to implode very soon.  However, your information seems to contradict the information put out by Trump.

Trump keeps expounding on how good the U.S. economy is doing, the stock market is breaking all records, these terrific trade deals with China, etc.  I understand he is trying to bolster confidence in the American economy (as well as his bid for re-election in 2020).

I know that the Global Currency Revaluation (GCR) and Quantum Financial System (QFS) are being put in place behind the scenes in the background for when that economic implosion occurs, to cushion the blow and correct the global financial system.

In your opinion, is Trump trying to keep the merry-go-round operating until the U.S. economy goes off the cliff, then subsequently bring the GCR and QFS into play so that it will ease the shock and provide the much-needed correction to the U.S. and global financial situation?

Please help me, just an average American Joe, to understand how your information and the information put out by Trump complement or juxtapose each other, and how these two seemingly divergent scenarios may play out.

Thank you,
C. from Colorado

Thank you for your question.  When I worked for the corporate propaganda media, I was told part of my job was to do economic cheerleading.  My controllers explained to me that by encouraging optimism, we helped boost the real economy.

That’s why the corporate media is lying through its teeth to make everything about the economy sound good.  The reality is that they use fake inflation, fake GDP, and fake unemployment numbers to make it look like EVERYTHING IS JUST GREAT!  The reality is that living standards for 90% of Americans have been dropping since 1972.

As far as Trump is concerned, the office of the President and the Presidential signature represent a consensus of different factions in the government.  Since the factions are battling it out, Trump seems to contradict himself (like about Syria, for example), depending on which faction is pushing hardest at the time.

My view is that Trump is trying his hardest to keep the current system going.  Remember, there has been no 9/11 or Fukushima truth under his watch.  I know a lot of people support him and think he is draining the swamp.  I sure hope we do see those 144,000 sealed indictments acted upon, but I’ll only believe it when I see it.

Anyway, the situation under Trump is light years better than it would have been under Hillary Rockefeller.

As far as the global currency reset is concerned, the controllers of the old system are jacking up the stock market and doing everything in their power to stay in charge.  They are not going quietly into the night.  That means the war is not over yet.


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