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On January 23rd, following massive protests of President Nicolás Maduro in the streets of Caracas, Venezuela, national assembly speaker Juan Guaidó swore himself in as interim president. Shortly afterwards, the U.S. recognized Guaidó, followed by all other nations in the world with the exception of Russia, Iran, Mexico, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Cuba. China said it…
Benjamin, until the following issue is seriously addressed and corrected within the U.S. military and USA leadership, nothing is going to significantly change. The ongoing chaos and seemingly never-ending problems that are keeping the USA “stuck,” as it is now, are that Donald Trump and current key individuals within the U.S. government and military leadership…
Hi Benjamin! I was just wondering what you think about the recent JCS letter sent to all US Military personnel where they are saying that Biden will be their new Commander-in-Chief? Signed by General Mark Milley the Chairman also. Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward seem to think that the JCS has betrayed Trump and will…
Dear Editor, In 2006, I started the Stop Chemtrails and Weather Manipulation Now citizen initiative. In October 2021, we reached the required 40,000 signatures to present it to the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. Initially to the Committee on Petitions and Citizens’ Initiatives. On March 22 between 13.45 and 14.00 we are going to…
パリでフランス人と結婚した麻生彩子(麻生太郎長女) 麻生彩子さんのご結婚相手は、フランス人のフレデリック・デホンDehon Frédéricという方です。 彩子・フレデリックともに美術商を営んでいましたが、両方のご成婚により、デホン氏はパリ実業界にとりあげられ、現在、日本におけるフランス商工会議所の下部組織のフランスハイテク経済団体の役員をしています。なので、麻生氏と関係のあるデホン氏が東京都水道事業民営化に関わるフランス企業のアドバイス、、もしくはなんらかのコンサルティング事業をしていてもふしぎはないでしょう。 福島原発事故の汚染処理、および、東京都水道民営化計画でフランス・ロスチャイルド系の水事業会社ベオリアが、大きな役割を果たすだろうといわれていますが、デホン氏は技術に関しては全くの素人です。 それではよろしくお願いいたします。 五條清隆プロジェクト Japanese to English translation: Ayako Aso, who married a French person in Paris (Taro Aso), is a married partner of Ayako Aso, who is a French Frederick Dehon (Dehon Frédéric). Although both Ayako and Frederick were managing art merchants, Mr. Dehon was taken up by the Paris business…
RE: The Conseil National de la Transition – France After examining Eric Fiorile and his team CNT acting at the Elysée during the Paris march on May 5th, it is becoming quite clear that this guy is perverting all dissidents (just like Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones have). He is a counter-intelligence agent, acting like…