2011 nuclear terror perpetrators in Japan to be included in ongoing Asian purge of cabal flunkies
The execution last week of North Korean number 2 Jang Song Thaek and the arrest of former China security chief Zhou Yongkang mark the beginning of a purge of cabal influence in Asia, according to Chinese and North Korean sources. The purge has been long planned and will lead to the ouster of over 20,000 people, according to a Chinese government source. The purge will include the faction in Japan that aided and abetted the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror attack, according to Japanese right wing groups.
A similar purge is planned for the United States and Europe, according to military and gnostic illuminati sources. The problem in the US is concentrated in New York and Washington D.C. and it may be necessary to cut off all communications between those cities and the outside world in order to force them to arrest the mass murderers hiding in their midst. We are all growing impatient. For operational security reasons there is a lot we cannot say about this but public arrests of known mass murderers will take place.
In Europe, the P2 freemason lodge is planning to send a top official to Asia in order to try to negotiate an end to the ongoing financial crisis. He will be offered all safety and comfort during his trip to Japan and the Philippines so long as he does not do anything criminal.
Getting back to Asia, the North Korean purge is being carried out according to a detailed plan left by Kim Jong Il before he died, according to Chinese government sources. The plan aims to remove all Rothschild family
[restrict paid=”true”]and other cabal influence from that country. In institutional terms it is the military acting against a group centered on the foreign and financial ministries in North Korea, according to Chinese and North Korean agents in Japan. These groups were cooperating with the Rothschilds and other cabal families in a plan to collapse the North Korean economy in order to remove the Kim dynasty. The official North Korean news agency article about the execution of Jang is worth reading directly:
Take particular note of this sentence: “he schemed to drive the economy of the country and people’s living into an uncontrollable catastrophe.”
The plot to crash the economy described in that article is typical cabal modus operandi: create an economic crisis then appear as a savior by offering a way out. In Japanese it is called Match/Pump. You set a fire with a match and then appear to be a hero by using the water pump to put it out.
In any case, the ongoing purge will almost certainly destroy many lives and remove all Rothschild/Bush influence from East Asia.
This purge is being paralleled in South Korea where Goldman Sachs is being evicted from the financial system they illegally occupied after the engineered Asian financial crisis of 1997.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bushes etc. are still causing trouble in Japan but some strong action will be taken against their agents here as well. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has repeatedly refused to meet with White Dragon Family representatives and has instead being following cabal orders by trying to provoke war in East Asia. Abe also refused to announce a major humanitarian campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction despite being asked to do so by the Imperial family. A powerful Japanese right wing group is planning to send him a clear warning soon to either fall in line or be removed.
Neil Keenan reports that US Vice President Biden has been in South Korea demanding rights to gold that is there. He will not get it. This writer was once sent on a mission to South Korea to find that gold by a Japanese tycoon who turned out to be an agent of David Rockefeller. The South Koreans saw through this ruse and refused to allow access to ancient imperial Korean dynastic gold hidden in that country.
In China as well, the removal of former security chief Zhou Yongkang is a sign of a purge taking place there of Cabal/Maoist influence, according to a Chinese government source.
In the meanwhile, as time goes on, the situation for cabal controlled regions like Europe and Washington D.C. is getting worse and worse.
Last week UN Secretary General and cabal stooge Ban Ki Moon promised the P2 freemason lodge he would deliver $400 billion to bail out the Italian financial system, according to P2 sources. He came up empty handed. Instead riots are spreading throughout Italy as more and more Italians are waking up to the fascist fraud known as the European Central Bank.
A source in Holland also said last week that Dutch employees at the European Union headquarters had been told their jobs would be terminated at the end of 2014 and the Euro would be dissolved.
In the UK meanwhile, Goldman Sachs threatened to shut down its operations in London if the UK did not go along with the EU fascist plans. Message to Goldman Sachs: “good riddance, we will kick you in the arse on your way out.”
In the United States too there are good signs as well as bad. One good sign is the appearance in the New York Post of an article giving detailed, specific evidence of Saudi Arabian government involvement in the 911 mass murder.
The fact that it appeared in a traditional media outlet is important because they Post is legally responsible for what they write. It means that there is now on the table a legally valid reason for the Pentagon to take military action against the Saudi regime. The Russians also have a similar justification. Taking out the Saudi regime would destroy Bush family financial influence and deal a mortal blow to the Nazi/Zionist faction.
One of the bad signs is a big move by Zionist forces to scuttle the peace deal with Iran. Another is the continued, brazen public appearance of so many criminals known to be associated with the 911 terror attack and other incidents of mass murder of innocent civilians. Why aren’t these people being publicly handcuffed in front of the TV cameras? What is wrong with the United States and its military and law enforcement?
It may be necessary to send military forces into New York and Washington D.C. in order to arrest all the known criminals there. Perhaps the Canadian, British, Japanese, Russian and Chinese governments can issue a joint ultimatum to the American military and justice officials: “arrest the murderers or we will do it for you.”
There will also be a need to shut down all the mega bank computers in order to erase the astronomical (quintillions or more) numbers of fraudulent dollars they contain. [/restrict]