Letters to the Editor

“I have a question about a contradiction you recently made on benjaminfulford.net. Around two weeks ago you said that President Putin was going to invade Ukraine because he was going to try to liberate Europe. But then around a week or two later you said that President Putin was an avatar and that he has been replaced already which is comparable to Biden and many around the world. And now you say that the cabal is trying to start World War III with an invasion of Ukraine. So which is it? Which side is he on? Is he really an avatar who has already been replaced and run by the cabal or is he trying to liberate Europe by invading Ukraine”
Thank you



My understanding is that Vladimir Putin is an avatar who represents the Russian people and the Russian Orthodox church. The most powerful real person in Russia is probably foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.
Russia should go into the Ukraine to remove the criminals there whose money laundering operations keep the fake Joe Biden regime afloat. Russia should also go into France and remove the Rothschild puppet Macron too, I believe.
My understanding is that MI6 and Pentagon brass would not interfere in such a move because it is necessary for planetary liberation.

-Benjamin Fulford


I can’t believe you actually answered my question but thank you so much and thanks for everything you do.

Most people don’t believe that John McAfee is still alive but I do. I have been following his telegram channel and many of the things you have said on your site he also says on his within the same time frame as well . Do you believe he is still alive for sure as I do? Most won’t find the information factual since they think he is dead but I think you might be interested in some of the things he covers on his channel. If you look into it and you’re unable to access it let me know and I can send you updates. Also here’s a picture of a magnet sticking to my 100 year old grandmother’s arm after I told my cousin who watches her that some thing in the vaccine is magnetic and to try it out and it worked. My entire family has taken all the vaccines and boosters and they are now alienating me from the family because I’m not willing to take it as well. Thank God for a lot of the information I have received from you and others so thank you for keeping me safe. Unfortunately no one else will listen to me but you do what you can.



My CIA and Mossad sources both told me that McAfee faked his death and is still alive.

-Benjamin Fulford


Thank you for your previous two replies . You said around a couple months ago that Anthony Fauci has been replaced and is now some form of artificial intelligence. Then weeks later you said he has been executed at Gitmo and the Fauci you are seeing now is a clone. Then this week in your newsletter you said Anthony Fauci is in the witness protection because he is giving testimony about his slave masters like Hillary Clinton and Bill Gates. I find it very confusing.



We are dealing with the fog of war. As a reporter I report what different sources tell me and these sources often contradict each other. It is like writing about a divorce: he said, she said.
However, the Fauci witness protection story comes from the governor of Florida speaking on the record and as a general rule, people who speak on the record are more honest than sources who wish to remain anonymous.

-Benjamin Fulford

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