KM spewing massive clouds of disinformation to cover up defeats in Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea etc.

Never have I seen as much disinformation and censorship in the Western information matrix as was spewed out last week by the Khazarian Mafia. They are trying to cover up a comprehensive defeat around the world. They have lost control of Syria, Israel, Europe, South Korea and many other countries around the world. They are…

Western version of the fall of the Soviet Union now undeniable

Sometimes, a decade’s worth of news can happen in a single week. Last week was such a week. What is happening is a Western version of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regimes are falling in Germany, France, the US, the UK, Japan, South Korea etc. In the coming weeks and months, many countries are…

Turkey has invaded Syria and it seems Russia gave the green light

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday wished the march of opposition forces towards Damascus continues “without accidents.””… Idlib, Hama, Homs, and the target, of course, is Damascus. The opposition’s march continues. Our wish is that this march in Syria continues without accidents,” Erdogan told reporters following Friday prayers in Istanbul. “The president also expressed…


A man by the name of Kunwa Pojebana sent is sending  emails like this to our correspondent Joanna. “Hey whore…Benjamin Fulford is a Satanist bitch,  he gave me your mail adress so I can fuck you in the face kurwa.” We demand his arrest.

The final showdown begins with the Chinese deep state

Before we start our report we would like to ask our readers to support our Polish correspondent. She is in in the hospital following a probable bomb attack on her life. Here is what she reports: I am in the hospital in surgery, they are treating burns. There was a fire, an explosion, I jumped out of…

Quarantine on planet earth about to be lifted

The quarantine on the planet Earth is about to be lifted, according to Secret Space Program and Asian Secret Society sources. Humans will be allowed to explore and colonize other planets and the universe as soon as the final Satanic presence is removed from this world, the sources say. This came up at a meeting…