Dealing with the Khazarian Mafia and China
Your current newsletter starts out with the K mafia surrendering to the CCP, then at the end “The Real Dragon family” is willing to start over fresh if the K Mafia is eliminated. I don’t understand. If we are in such a state of affairs, why doesn’t the “Real Dragon Family” exercise its power and get rid of them and the fake CGPing. Why doesn’t Trump’s elite battalion that supposedly killed Haspel join forces with the Dragons and finish the job?
You have been expounding on the elimination of the KM elites for some time. Isn’t this the time? And are the KM hammering the SCOTUS so they won’t allow the voting fraud evidence to be shown to the public? And why are the servers that everyone , except you, are talking about, not being shown to election officials, legislators, congress , and the SCOTUS? They supposedly got the info. but no one has seen any of it!
Best Regards,
These are very good questions. The Dragon family has control of huge funds but they do not control the military or intelligence agencies of the West. We have removed a lot of Khazarian mafia honchos, starting with David Rockefeller, the Bush family, Pope Maledict and a bunch of royals. The elimination of Haspel shows that we are still on the case and will continue to be until victory.
However, we are dealing with a family mafia that has been ruling the West for thousands of years and does not intend to go quietly into the night. Japanese military intelligence estimates there are about 1 million KM in the US, they are concentrated in synagogues, evangelical and other religious cults and at the top of professional organizations like the American Medical Association. They also control most of the big corporations. That is why the fight is not yet over/
As far as the US election theft goes, I have reported what my own sources say, otherwise, I do not have a lot of value-added to repeat what so many others are reporting about this election theft. My view is American people voted for Trump and therefore he should be president. However, he will be president of a bankrupt corporation and not the Republic of the United States of America. That means either the US goes into bankruptcy negotiations or the sudden fall in living standards seen earlier this year will be just a foretaste of what will happen next.
That is why I propose creating a United States of the Americas to declare the debt null and void. To do that means removing the owners of the current US corporation and they are using blackmail, bribery and covid fear porn and all sorts of other things to stay in power.
The battle will continue but we will keep fighting until victory. We ask everybody reading this not to be armchair warriors but to personally do what they can.