What would a true meritocracy look like?
Aloha Benjamin,
I have been a subscriber for several years, and one who deeply appreciates the work you have and continue to do on our behalf. Frankly, I am humbled by your willingness to put yourself at risk as you have, for the sake of the rest of us.
I have come to believe that money is a key tool in perpetuating humanity’s enslavement, and that it is made even more effective by our culture of deception and disinformation. And while I’m looking forward to a jubilee, debt forgiveness, and a currency reset, I just can’t seem to get past the fact that money is a creation and only as real as we make it. It is NOT an actual living force like human creativity, choice, cooperation, or imagination, just to name a few.
Do you know if those who are designing our new money system are doing so with a longer view that includes its ultimate elimination?
Just like addicts, we slaves will need to be weaned off of those things, practices, and thoughtforms which are keeping us weak and enslaved. Of course there will have to be a transition/healing period as we accustom ourselves to the reality of abundance (as opposed to scarcity) and all kinds of healthier practices and technologies, such as honesty from our leaders and greater demonstrations of cooperation, just to name a few.
I’m not sure I know what a true meritocracy would look or feel like. Can you describe it so that I can imagine it more easily/accurately?
Thanks again for consistently choosing to dig deeper for the good of everyone.
Hi C:
Money is, in essence, human thinking about material objects. Finance is the psychological process of deciding what we do next in the material world. This process has been hijacked by religious fanatics with an apocalyptic agenda.
We are fighting to replace that with a transparently run, democratic, and meritocratic process whereby we decide what kind of ideal future we want and what the best way is to turn that into reality. Freedom of information and transparency will ensure the system works well. Secrecy has been used to hide corruption for too long.
A one-off cancellation of debt and redistribution of stolen assets would be a good way to start that process.