Video destruction of the Mossad HQ *Removed*
It was determined that video was NOT the destruction of the Mossad HQ, we had been mislead by a source. The explosion was from a factory in China.
It was determined that video was NOT the destruction of the Mossad HQ, we had been mislead by a source. The explosion was from a factory in China.
My take? Biden croaked during that “AF1 Medical Emergency” and they don’t know how to reveal it. 👀 Either that – or they are waiting for an opportune time to do so. It looks like the video of him being forced into a car was the Biden actor being grabbed and taken away for removal…
Mr. Fulford, I’ve been finding your news letters lately interesting as they always are. It’s amazing to me the fact almost everything you’ve ever mentioned in the last 5+ years since I started following you has come out to be true no matter how crazy some of it sounded at the time. I know you…
The movie director Oliver Stone and his son Sean are very upset about the following paragraph from my January 15th report: [Robert David Steele] was later offered large sums of money by Sean Stone, the son of movie director Oliver Stone (whose JFK movie blamed everyone except Israel), to tour the US on bus and…
Please Note: About the “QFS” I never said that the Quantum Financial System isn’t real in the sense of existing. It exists. It was developed under project “Crimson Gate” at Wright-Patterson AFB immediately before and after the 2015 UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy. What I said — in not so many words — is that it…
Ben: Anna states that the QFS is a CIA creation originally called Crimson Gate because it is intended to turn over the US financial system to China. IMO, it is obviously the door opener to total control of humanity. How can you be so sure it is a benevolent system? – Anon To be honest…